Monday, February 29, 2016

John 5 Painting

I had an itch to paint John 5 and this is the result of that itch.

I wanted to give myself a new challenge when I started painting this and so I gave myself a time limit to paint it.  This painting took me about 4 hours overall to complete and a second look over the following day to add a few final touches ect.

There's a funny story to go with this piece. I never intended to make the splashes on this painting but while I was painting my dog decided to stand all over my wacom tablet and afterwards I started painting again and realized she somehow picked a brush I didn't know I had and I ended up with a few splashes all over the painting. 
I thought it looked interesting and decided to keep the "mistake" on a seperate layer and then eventually go all the way with the idea. 
Happy accidents are still alive and kicking :)

Below is a look at how this painting came together.

Kept the brushwork loose and slightly messy almost like a charcoal piece

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